My producer’s computer was stolen with all my songs, coast artist says

Artists during the Pozi254 show at Baraka FM. Among them is Om Daniel who claims a producer lost all his songs when his computer was stolen./BARAKA FM

Imagine being an upcoming artist, going to record your music only to lose all of it because your producer’s computer allegedly got stolen.

That is what happened to Coast-based artist Omar aka Om Daniel.

The gospel artist turned actor recorded three songs with a producer who told him to go pick the recording later, but on the day he went to pick the recording, the said producer told him he lost the songs because his computer got stolen.

“I did some songs in 2008 but the producer played me. I recorded three songs which just varnished. I blame the producer because on the day he told me to go pick the songs, I got there just for him to tell me that the computer was stolen,” he said.

The experience was so discouraging that he gave up on singing and has just recently taken it up again.

“I recorded some songs in Bamburi yesterday and I hope they will be out by next week,” he said.

