Police in pursuit of a bodaboda rider who defiled an 8-year-old child

Boda boda riders waiting for clients photo:file

Police are pursuing a bodaboda rider who defiled an 8-year-old schoolgirl in Meru County’s Igembe South.

According to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations, the suspect has offered the girl a ride to her home at Baibariu in Igembe South, but along the way diverted to his house where he committed the act.

“He later dropped the helpless minor near their homestead before taking into hiding. As the victim receives medical attention at a local hospital, a manhunt for the suspected pedophile continues,” said the DCI.

The incident comes just a day after a Kenya Defence Forces soldier was arrested for defiling a 16-year-old form-one girl he is related to, in the guise of offering her a ride to school.

“Martin Kabura based in Embakasi had promised to drive the 16-year-old form one minor to school in Othaya, but instead made a detour to a lodging in Kiriaini and defiled her before proceeding with the journey,” said the DCI.

The minor was taken to Nyeri County referral hospital while the officer was placed in custody.

The DCI has asked the public to share information via 0800 722 203 to avoid such incidents from happening and ensure perpetrators are punished.

