Women and Girls most victims of violence during COVID-19

Women walking out of the female ward wing at Lunga Lunga hospital, Kwale county./Brivian Simiyu

More Women and young Girls have been victims of gender-based violence (GBV) since the COVID-1P pandemic hit the country in March.

This is according to research by the Gender-based violence recvery center.

According to the center’s CEO Alberta Wambua, 42 percent of women experienced violence during that period while 48 were young girls.

55 percent of GBV cases were against Children below the age of 18 with November being the worst period.

“Last month was the worst period for young girls since cases of GBV against them increased”, she said.

The center recorded 3,153 cases of GBV while 78 percent of the GBV cases were of sexual nature.

However, according to the findings, only 3 percent of Men faced gender-based violence during that period.

Translation by George Otieno

