Doctors issue seven days strike notice

Doctors in a past demonstration. KMPDU has threatened to strike over delayed salaries and issues with NHIF./COURTESY

Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentist Union KMPDU has vowed to paralyze health services around the country in the next seven days.

The union thinks that the government has not adhered to their needs even after giving them more time for negotiations.

Speaking to journalists on Tuesday in Nairobi, KMPDU Secretary General Chibanzi Mwachonda said that they will not be adding more time for negotiations since the government seems to be beating around the bush.

“14 days ago we issued a 21 days notice. What has been brought to the table does not address to the satisfaction of the healthcare,” said Mwachonda.

According to Mwachonda, for the last eight months, there have been issues with salary delays and National Health and Insurance Fund (NHIF) remittance by the government.

“We will not allow our health soldiers that are supposed to carry this job to be mistreated. Intimidations and threats will not protect doctors from dying,” he added.

Further, Mwachonda said the strike will not only be for doctors but also for clinical officers and nurses in general.

