Transport paralyzed after bridge is swept away by floods in Kwale

Part of the road in Kwale that was swept away by floods./file

Transport was on Friday paralyzed in parts of Kwale County following a heavy downpour which caused a section of Lunga Lunga – Ukunda highway at Marenje to be flooded after a bridge was swept away.

Kenya National Highway Authority has cautioned motorists using the road and advised them to use an alternative road.

“KeNHA would like to alert motorists plying the Lunga Lunga – Ukunda road that a section of the highway at Marenje has flooded and is temporarily impassable,” read the statement.

KeNHA has said that the bridge was swept away following the ongoing heavy rains and construction works for a new box culvert.

Motorists have been advised to exercise caution and try alternative routes including the Vanga – Shimoni road.

The residents have appealed to leaders to move with speed and resolve the situation since the bridge saves them.

