Parliament accuses ‘Tanga Tanga’ MPs of inciting public against Huduma Namba

People queuing to register for Huduma namba outside the Huduma centre in Mombasa during the first round of the exercise,/ COURTESY

Parliamentary committee on Administration and National security   has registered its disappointment over remarks made by a section of TangaTanga members, urging Kenyans to boycott registration exercise for National Integrated Identity Management System (NIIMS) popularly known as  Huduma Namba.

At a press briefing in parliament buildings the committee chair who is also Kiambaa legislator Paul Koinange blasted the Tanga Tanga wing’s  assertion terming it repugnant and risky for not only the wellbeing of the nation but tranquility too .

“Ironically most of those who called for boycott of the next Huduma Namba exercise have registered for it,” Koinange said

“We want to condemn the inciting utterances made by some of the so called TangaTanga brigade by giving distorted information thereby threatening national security,” he added.

Koinange said that the Huduma Namba exercise is a legitimate exercise.

“Let me remind everyone that Huduma Namba is not just a Jubilee project, it is a state project which was created by members of parliament through the amendment of registration of persons act in 2018.” Koinange said,

The committee downplayed allegations that the registration exercise is meant to rig 2022 general elections urging aggrieved parties to file petitions on the same to parliament or report any matter to security agencies so that their concerns can be addressed.

Last week about 30 Tangatanga MPs said they no longer trusted the National Integrated Identity Management System (NIIMS) initiative.

They alleged that it is managed by a foreign firm retained through the National Intelligence Service (NIS) to manipulate the next poll outcome.

 “They have brought in foreigners to help them steal our money and rig the elections,” Nakuru Senator Susan Kihika said.

 “If it is about public procurement, you have no business taking the procurement to the National Intelligence Service. If it is about public registration, take it through the legal process of procurement.” Kikuyu MP Kimani Ichung’wa said.

The committee also downplayed allegations that seven billion shillings have been set aside to oversee the exercise adding that only one billion shillings is meant for the exercise.

