Kenya active COVID-19 cases at 34.5% of total infections

An artistical expression of the Coronavirus droplets in a public street./COURTESY

With the country recording more COVID-19 new recoveries than infections for the past four days consecutively, Kenya’s active cases have reduced to around 34.5 percent of total infections.

The infections stood at 36,157 on Sunday after 188 more people tested positive with the national recoveries also increasing with 296 to now stand at 23,067.

The national fatality numbers are at 622 following three more deaths recorded on Sunday.

With the deaths and recoveries, the national COVID-19 cases now stand at 12,468, which is about 34.5 percent of the active cases.

Mombasa County recorded the highest new infections on Sunday with 43 cases followed by Turkana 29, Trans Nzoia 27 then Nairobi 23.

Other Coastal Counties that recorded new infections are Kilifi with 5 cases, Taita Taveta 4 and Lamu 1.

