Ray of hope as Tusky’s restocks Kilifi and Malindi branches

Tusky's supermarket Kilifi which was restocked by the struggling retailor over the weekend PHOTO COURTESY

Hopes of struggling retailer Tusker Mattresses limited popularly known as Tusky’s getting back on its feet in the region are now high after the retailer
relaunched its branches.

Over the weekend the company relaunched their Kilifi and Malindi Tuskys retail stores.

John Muitiriri the Tuskys supermarket Head of Business Development said they were glad to be back as far as stocking up their retail stores is concerned.

Speaking at Tuskys Malindi during the relaunch ceremony he said the stocking exercise is going on in all their stores countrywide.

He said currently they have 55 stores which are all open countrywide and expressed optimism that they would surpass their previous sales.

Already he said they did relaunch in Kisumu, Eldoret Kisii, Mombasa, Nairobi and would go to the other branches. 

”For these reasons we are going around the country just to ensure that we relaunch and being able to convince our shoppers that we are back,” he said.

Muitiriri said the ongoing relaunch exercise is called a back to back campaign aimed at informing their customers that they are back and fully stocked.

The Head of business said some of the challenges that they faced before have been addressed and are now things of the past.

”We are improving every day its basically a continuous improvement exercise, whatever you will see here will probably be different from what you will see tomorrow, to be very honest we are really back in the system,” he said.

Muitiriri blamed the challenges faced by the retailer on the COVID-19 Pandemic saying it created less disposal income which made people spend less which led to a decline in the sales.

Due to the low disposable income, he said Tuskys had challenges to keep on moving at the same speed that they were in before.

The Tuskys head of business commended the support they received from their suppliers who have enabled them to restock and relaunch.

”They are all seeing our vision that we should not see any retailer go down, for this reason with their support and the support of customers, employees we are sure we shall be able to go ahead and also able to overcome the few challenges that are remaining,” he said.

Muitiriri said the stalls that are currently operating will continue operating while those that were closed shall remain closed.

He said business in Kilifi County which is a renowned tourism destination has had challenges since the Pandemic began.

The head of business said normally the two stores of Malindi and Kilifi have an influx of foreign tourists shopping but since the pandemic, the number has gone down.

However, with the relaunch he said people were appreciating the effort done by the management through social media which was a clear indication of a successful future.

