Coast records 13 new COVID-19 cases as Kenya’s virus cases rise to 33,389

Health CAS Dr. Rashid Aman. 318 people have tested positive for COVID-19./COURTESY

The country has announced 373 new COVID-19 cases in 4,663 samples tested in the last 24 hours raising positive cases to 33,389.

Speaking during the COVID-19 daily update Health Chief Administrative Secretary Rashid Aman announced that the youngest infected with the virus was a one month infant and the oldest was 80 years old.

From the new cases, 360 are Kenyans and 13 foreigners.

Nairobi county leads with 173 new cases in the last 24 hours.

 Taita Taveta County has recorded seven new COVID-19 cases and Mombasa six cases.

  Three more people have also succumbed to the virus in the last 24 hours bringing fatality toll to 567.

 Aman also announced that 72 more patients have recovered from the virus, 36 were under home-based health care and 36 discharged from the hospitals bringing total recoveries to 19,368.

