Mombasa records 28 COVID-19 cases

Health CAS Dr. Mercy Mwangangi .Mombasa recorded 19 new cases bringing County tally to 2,173/COURTESY

Mombasa County has recorded another 28 COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours with national toll rising to 10,791 cases.

Chief Administrative Secretary for health Mercy Mwangangi announced that the country has recorded 497 new cases in the 4,922 samples tested.

Mombasa cases are distributed in Mvita (14) Jomvu (9) and Likoni(2).

Nairobi leads with 292 news virus cases, Kiambu (62), Kajiado (51), Machakos (30) Busia(10).

However, Five more people succumbed to the virus bribing a cumulative number to 202.

Mwanangi also said that 71 more people were discharged from various hospitals bringing total number of recoveries to 3,017

Acting Health Director-General of Health Dr Patrick Amoth on Tuesday confirmed 41 COVID-19 cases have been reported so far at Nairobi’s Pumwani Maternity Hospital, among the nineteen medical staff.

