181 more test positive as Lamu records three new cases

An artistical expression of the Coronavirus droplets in a public street./COURTESY

181 more people have tested positive for COVID-19.

This is according to the daily figures given by the ministry of health on Monday which indicated that the 189 were confirmed from a sample of 2,131 samples tested bringing to total the number of confirmed cases in the country to 8,067.

Nairobi continued to lead in the number of newly confirmed cases at 134 followed by Kiambu at 19 cases and Mombasa at 9 cases.

“ The cases are distributed as follows: Nairobi,(134),Kiambu,(19),Mombasa ,(9),Kajiado(6),Machakos(6),Lamu(3),Murang’a(2),Uasin Ngishu(1), and Kirinyaga (1).

The nine cases in Mombasa are distributed in: Jomvu(3), Kisauni(2), Mvita(2), Likoni(1), and Nyali(1) while all the three cases in Lamu are in Lamu west.

The youngest patient is a four-month-old baby while the oldest patient is a 79-year-old with 179 of the cases being Kenyans while two of them are foreigners.

Four more people have succumbed to the disease in the past 24 hours bringing the total number of fatalities to 164.

“On a positive note, we have discharged 127 patients from various hospitals bringing to total 2414 the total number of recoveries,” the statement said.

This comes just a few hours after the president lifted the inter-county travel bans against Mombasa, Nairobi, and Mandera counties.

Globally, 11,603,648 people have been infected with the disease with 480,704 being in Africa.

537,707 deaths have been recorded with 11,407 of those deaths having been recorded in Africa.

