Highest numbers registered as 10 more die and 213 test positive for COVID-19

Health CAS Dr. Rashid Aman. 318 people have tested positive for COVID-19./COURTESY

Kenya recorded the highest number of COVID-19 deaths and positive cases in a single day after 10 people died and 213 tested positive from the virus on Thursday.

The number of samples tested was also the highest since the testing started countrywide, with 6,024 samples being tested over the last 24 hours.

Health ministry Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) Rashid Aman however said the samples included a backlog from the previous day.

Nairobi continued to record the highest number of infections with 136 cases while Mombasa and Kajiado registered 32 and 13 new cases respectively.

Kiambu recorded seven cases, Busia, five, while Nakuru and Machakos had four positive cases each.

Others were Isiolo and Garissa with three cases each, Taveta with two, and Kitui, Narok, Migori, and Embu which had one case each.

The 10 new deaths brought the total number of deaths related to the virus to 117, with CAS Aman saying seven out of the 10 who died had other underlying conditions including Diabetes, high blood pressure, and HIV.

106 patients were also released from quarantine after recovering from the virus, the CAS said, putting the total number of recoveries at 1,459.

The latest figures have pushed the total number of positive cases in the country up to 4,257.

