34 more test positive for COVID-19 in Mombasa

Health CAS Dr. Rashid Aman. 318 people have tested positive for COVID-19./COURTESY

Thirty-four more people in Mombasa have tested positive for the Coronavirus.

In a press briefing in Nairobi, health cabinet administrative secretary Dr. Rashid Aman said that 90 people across the country have tested positive in the last 24 hours.

Aman said that this brings to 3,305 of the total number of people who have tested positive for the disease across the country.

The total number of people who were tested in the last 24hours stands at 2,419 and the total number of people who have been tested since the virus was first confirmed in March stands at 108,666.

Aman said areas affected in Mombasa include: Mvita, whereby 14 people tested positive, Kisauni (8), Likoni, Changamwe, and Jomvu (4) each.

Kilifi county recorded one case and the person who tested positive hails from the Kilifi North area.

In other counties, Nairobi recorded 36 cases, Busia 12, Turkana, Meru, and Kisumu one each.

He noted that four people died of COVID 19, bringing the total number of people who have succumbed to 96.

“Unfortunately we have lost four people to COVID 19,” Aman said

He noted that 72 patients were discharged after full recovery bringing the total number of people who have been discharged to 1,164.

