COVID-19: Parliament to reopen on Tuesday to debate tax amendment

MPs during a parliamentary session./COURTESY

Parliament is set to re-open this week amid the spreading of the Coronavirus pandemic in the country.

Speaker of the National Assembly Justin Muturi said that the house will re-open amid the pandemic, after consultations with health stakeholders on the same.

A special sitting is scheduled on Tuesday whereby the house Will debate on the stages of the 2020 Tax Laws (Amendment) Bill containing proposals on revenue collection among other matters of national importance include the COVID-19 pandemic.

Speaker stated that members will be required to wear masks at all time while in the chamber.

Hand sanitisers, the speaker said, shall be provided in designated areas within Parliament Buildings.

The tougher guidelines have been introduced to safeguard legislators as the pandemic continues to spread.

Muturi asked  members who intend to attend to the Tuesday session to register with the House 

The measures of the National Assembly are  also a replica in the Senate, whereby Speaker Keneth Lusaka said that only 28 senators will be allowed in  the senate to deliberate on house business.

“We will still only allow 28 senators and they will not be replaced by anyone. There will be no movements in the chamber and the social distancing requirement must be observed,” Lusaka said

Other measures Parliament has put in place in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak include limiting movement in the chambers.

The two houses suspended sittings Monday last week hours after President Uhuru Kenyatta banned the movement in and out of Nairobi being a Kenyan capital as  Kilifi, Mombasa and Kwale Counties were also affected.

