COVID-19: Senate to pump sh. 200 million to fight pandemic

Senate speaker Ken Lusaka. PHOTO; courtesy

Senate has resolved that sh. 200 million of its 2019/2020 financial year go to the COVID -19 fund to fight the disease.

In a statement senate speaker, Ken Lusaka said that the bid is a synergy between parliament and government to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.
He said that the senate finance held a meeting on the 30th of March and resolved that funds be directed to COVID -19 fund.

” Honourable Senators,  As you aware, a number of measures have been taken by the various levels of Government and by various State officers to contribute towards efforts to curb the COVID-19 pandemic in the country,”Lusaka said.

” A meeting of the Senate Business Committee held on Monday, 30th March 2020, the Committee resolved that the Senate shall yield the sum of Kshs. 200 million from our budget allocation in the current Financial Year 2019/2020 to aid in the efforts of the Government in combating the pandemic.”He added.

Lusaka urged the parliamentary service commission to necessitated what was resolved in order to help fight the virus.

“The Senate, therefore, requests the Parliamentary Service Commission to take the necessary administrative measures to yield the stated sum from the budget of the Senate to the National Treasury to be re-allocated and utilized in efforts to combat the pandemic. “Lusaka said 

Meanwhile, the Senate on Tuesday had a special sitting to debate on burning matters COVID -19 crisis which is rocking the world.

As per the latest figures, the number of people who were positive stood at 59 after 9 cases of Coronavirus were announced by the ministry of health on Tuesday.

