Provide security guards with coronavirus protective gear, gov’t told

Private security guards ask for protective gear in fight against coronavirus./COURTESY

700,000 private guards are in need of protective gear as the country grapples with coronavirus.

Speaking at a media brief in Nairobi, Protective Security Industry Association Chairperson Cosmas Mutava said that the private askaris are serving to protect the nation from insecurity and terror but are vulnerable to this disease.

“We request the government to make available basic health-care training, purchase through KEMSA N95 face masks, gloves, temperature sensors and where necessary HAZMAT suits,” said Mutava.

Mutava said this will enable a strong private security workforce to provide critical manpower in detection of the virus COVID19.

He further added that private companies should protect their workers by checking their health condition before they report to their duties as well as create a flexible shift schedule to control the rapid spread of this national health pandemic.

The Association’s Secretary General Delano Kiilu urged the general public to stay alert, avoid panic, be aware of scammers, profiteer, fraudsters and fake cures and also observe social distance.

