Looming lockdown as Kenya confirms first Coronavirus case

Patients being screened at the Jomo Kenyatta International airport./COURTESY

A lockdown is looming in the country after the first Coronavirus case was confirmed marking the entry of the deadly virus into East Africa.

According to the health CS Mutahi Kagwe, the patient is a Kenyan lady who traveled back to the country from the United States via London.

The case was confirmed on Thursday and the patient is currently admitted at the Kenyatta national hospital in isolation.

The patient arrived in the country on 5th March and the CS indicated that the government has started tracing those she came into contact with.

This brings to total,140 the number of Coronavirus cases confirmed in Africa.

As part of measures to mitigate the spread of the virus, the government has banned BBI rallies and church services not unless churches can prove they can provide hand sanitizers.

All public gatherings and interschool events have also been suspended.

Public transport providers have been urged to provide hand sanitizers and persons experiencing a cough or sneeze have been urged to stay at home.

South Africa is leading in sub-Saharan Africa with 17 cases followed by Senegal at 10 cases.

The North African region is leading with Egypt having recorded 67 cases while Algeria 26 and Tunisia at 13.

Italy and China are still leading in the number of cases at 15,113 and 80,793 cases.

