TSC withdraws teachers from Kitui school where teacher was burnt to death

The remains of Diasy Mbaluka who ws burnt to death on Monday 6th January in Kitui county PHOTO COURTESY

The Teacher’s service commission has withdrawn teachers posted at Ndooni primary school in Kitui County after a teacher was burnt to death allegedly by parents protesting against poor performance in the school.

It is alleged that parents stormed Ndooni primary school on 6th of January and closed the school due to poor performance of  last year’s KCPE examination; later it was reported that  Daisy Mbaluka a teacher of the said school was burnt to death by amob that had been waiting for her along the foot path to her house.

In a statement TSC representative Ibrahim Mummin said that it the commission has taken such action in a bid to secure other teachers posted in the school.

“The commission will not post any teacher to the school until security of the six teachers in the school and the surrounding areas is guaranteed.” Mummin said.

It indicated that it is saddened by the incident thus calling the government to investigate the matter promptly and bring the culprits to book.

Mr. Simon Nding’o, Knut’s Kitui branch Executive Secretary, too condemned the incident

 “I condemn this incident in the strongest terms possible. The government must ensure our security.” He said

The brutal murder forced the management to close down the school indefinitely. 

On Thursday, a court in Kitui allowed investigators to detain two men accused of taking part in the brutal murder for 21 more days before they can take plea.

