MPs call for help to fight locusts

A desert locust on a maize plan.The locusts have destroyed thousands of hectares of food crops along River Tana in Tana river county since they invaded the county in January COURTESY

Members of Parliament drawn from the North Eastern have called on President Uhuru Kenyatta to intervene and help in the fight against locusts that are ravaging crops in the region.

Speaking at a media briefing in Parliament buildings, the leaders, led by Aldas Member of Parliament Adan Keynan, urged the President to direct relevant ministries including those of Agriculture, Defense and Devolution to move with speed and salvage the situation which is getting out of hand.

“The drought caused us many challenges. After the drought we had heavy rainfall and right now we have locust causing total environmental destruction. We are appealing to the government through the ministries of agriculture, devolution to mobilize resources to combat this catastrophe,” Keynan said.

The leaders are concerned that if necessary interventions are not taken to combat the locusts menace then other problems might emerge in the future.

“We want to inform the nation that we must deal with the disaster, to avert other emerging problems like hunger after experiencing drought and heavy rainfall,” Mandera Senator Mohamed Mahamud said.

Wajir South Member of Parliament Mohammed Omar urged the international community to intervene after it emerged that the locust menace emanated from Ethiopia, Red sea, Pakistan, India then moved to East African region.

