Policeman arrested over robbing man sh 20,000


A police officer has been arrested on charges of robbery with violence after robbing a man sh 20,000 in Nairobi.

Constable Job Anyona of Railways Police station and three other civilians allegedly robbed the man in the Nairobi Central Business District after a false arrest and forcing him to withdraw all his savings at a KCB ATM booth.

According to a statement from Directorate of criminal investigation DCI, the victim  was attending a relative’s graduation at a KMTC when the gang of four all purporting to be police officers hand-cuffed him, took his phone & car keys, before demanding for sh. 30K for his release.

“The gang could not release him after giving the 20K forcing him to borrow the balance from friends through Mpesa”, read the statement.

However, the victim spotted a senior police officer nearby and rushed to him for help, as the gang started fleeing on separate ways but were eventually cornered and arrested by members of the public.

Police found two Mobile Phones, Sh.50,140 damaged Police Pocket Phone and Handcuffs from the suspects.

