Court finds three Garissa University terror attack suspects guilty

Sahal  Diriye Hussein,Charles Mbereso,Muhamed Ali Abdikadir and Aden Hassan./COURTESY

Nairobi, KENYA: A Nairobi court has found three suspects of the Garissa University terror attack, that claimed at least 147 lives, guilty.

The three, Mohamed Abdi Abikar alias Mohamed Ali Abikar, Hassan Edin Hassan and Rashid Charles Mberesero were found guilty of charges relating to the dawn attack that took place in April 2015.

A fourth suspect, Sahal Diriy Hussein, was acquitted of the charges.

Also read: One Garissa University attack suspect freed, four have a case to answer

The three were found guilty of conspiracy to commit the attack and of being members of Al Shabaab terror group.

The trio will be sentenced on 3rd July.

