Mungatana and six others charged in court

Former Garsen MP Danson Mungatana PHOTO COURTESY

Kilifi, KENYA: Former Garsen Member of Parliament, Danson Mungatana and six other people were on Thursday charged in a Malindi court in connection with the loss of more than sh.51.5 million at the Kilifi County government in 2016.

Mungatana who is a co-director of Zohali Services Limited, one of the companies in question was charged with receiving sh.5m on October 3 2016 from the county government of Kilifi.

Mungatana was also charged with acquisition of proceeds of crime and attempt to commit an economic crime.

The other six who were charged are, John Kalume, Senior Account; Paul Mwazo, Deputy Director accounting; Josephine Mramba, Former principle Accountant; Ebrahim Zia, procurement officer; Lucy Kibogo, business lady and businessman Benaya Mugavana.

The seven denied the charges before Chief Magistrate Julie Oseko and were released on a sh.5m bond or a cash bail of sh.3m each.

The case will be heard on 2nd May 2019.

Other nineteen suspects are being pursued and will be arraigned in court soon.

