Nurses ordered to report back to work or face dismissal

Tana River County nurses strike to commence at midnight./COURTESY

Nairobi, KENYA: Nurses have until Friday to report back to work or be sacked.

This is according to President Uhuru Kenyatta who was addressing the nation at state house, Nairobi on Wednesday.

According to President Kenyatta, the strike by the nurses is null and void after employment and labour related court suspended it for 60 days to pave way for negotiations between Nurses union and the ministry of labour.

“I hereby order the county government and Health Ministry to dismiss any nurse who fails to report to work by Friday of 15 at 8am,” President Warned.

Also read: Labour court suspends nurses strike

The president said no one is above the law and faulted the nurses’ union leadership for not obeying court orders.

“As the Commander-in-Chief, I have instructed the National Police Service to take stern action against picketers who might harass public service for going to work,” he added.

Council of Governors chair Wycliffe Oparanya on Tuesday moved to court to challenge the legitimacy of the strike by the Kenya National Union of Nurses but nurses remained defiant over the order.

Nurses in about 17 counties went on strike on January 4th demanding the implementation of the 2017 return-to-work formula.

