Drama in Kwale assembly as MCAs block speaker from opening house

The vote count exercise at Kwale county assembly building./FILE

Kwale, KENYA: All did not started well for Kwale County assembly speaker Sammy Ruwa who was supposed to officially open the assembly proceedings on Tuesday before a section of MCAs barred him from gaining entry to the house.

Drama ensued after the MCAs led by the assembly majority leader Raia Mkungu closed the main entrance to the house blocking the speaker from opening the session.

The MCAs accused the speaker of fueling tribalism, incitement, corruption and dictatorship which has led to misunderstanding among the representatives in the assembly.

They further questioned his integrity saying that he is not fit to lead the house.

Raia Mkungu who is also the MCA for Ramisi ward said the allegations raised against the speaker has caused the MCAs to suffer a major setback in terms of delivering their mandate to the locals.

“We have lost trust in speaker Ruwa’s leadership. He is not fit as he has been accused of inciting locals on tribal basis when it comes to who to be the governor of Kwale come 2022,” said Mkungu.

The MCAs also claimed that the speaker plotted against the removal of Kwale assembly clerk Dennis Mutui who was faced with corruption allegations.

“The speaker was also involved in the corruption claims facing the clerk but just because the deal was not favoring him, he plot against the clerk to ensure he is removed from office,” said the angry representatives.

The clerk resigned due to the pressure that linked him with allegations of misappropriation of county funds.

However, speaker Ruwa has so far distanced himself from the claims which he termed as baseless.

He said that the move seeks to tarnish his reputation as well as cause divisions in the assembly following his interest in the Kwale gubernatorial seat.

“I might have ambitions to be the governor but right now my job is here in the assembly to ensure that standing orders are followed and lead the MCAs, I cannot go round to police community into saying ruthless words,” said Ruwa.

