Home News County Suspected thug gunned down in Kisauni

Suspected thug gunned down in Kisauni

A 52-year-old man died at a lodging in Migori./COURTESY

Mombasa, KENYA: A suspected thug was on Tuesday shot dead after he tried to attack a police officer.

The suspect only identified as a 25 year old male, was killed on Tuesday afternoon at Barsheba area within Kisauni in Mombasa County.

Speaking to Baraka FM on phone, Kisauni OCPD Sangura Musee said the suspect was among a gang of three terrorizing residents in the area.

Also read: Three people killed by robbers in Kisauni

“We recovered a knife from the deceased as two other suspects escaped but we are pursuing them with the help of residents,” said Musee.

The body is lying at Coast General Hospital awaiting identification and postmortem.

According to police the gang was terrorizing the residents who reported the matter to police.

