MP to compell parliament to question Starehe over admission saga

Students from the Starehe boys school during an examination day. Imenti south legislator Muthuri Murungi has vowed to write to parliament to question the school's administration over refusing to admit a student PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi,KENYA:Imenti south legislator Muthuri Murungi has said he will compel parliament to question  the administration of the Starehe boys centre over denying admission to one of the students.

In a media briefing, a legislator who is also the chair of parliamentary special funds committee  slammed the school for a failure to admit the student following the fact that he had an admission letter.

Following the development, the legislator has vowed to write to the clerk of the National Assembly, so that parliamentary committee on education can take up the matter and grill the responsible people.

“Personally I will write to the clerk of the National Assembly, the committee on education to look into that matter to see the circumstances the student was denied admission,” Murungi said

It is alleged that Jack Mutuma was not admitted after he was served with admission letter when it emerged that he did not fill the yellow form.

Murungi blasted the ministry of education’s current mode of form one admission, indicating that most students are affected whenever their names are not captured in the system.

On the other hand, he indicated that even if the student has been picked to join Mangu High school, he has to press on to avert such scenarios in the future.

