Liquid Telecom records 20% growth in sale

Liquid telecom Kenya regional CEO Adil Youssefi./COURTESY

Nairobi, KENYA: Liquid Telecom Kenya recorded 20 percent growth in sales, a year after investing heavily in its countrywide infrastructure and product offering.

Addressing journalists when publishing its second annual Report in Nairobi, Liquid Telecom Kenya regional CEO Adil Youssefi said the internal re-organisation and value initiatives have helped drive the company’s rapid revenue and profit growth.

He added that the sharpest growth was in its business internet services, which accounted for 56% of total sales last year, compared with 47% the year before.

“We believe the strength of this business performance reflects the better value and wider range of services we have been able to offer as a result of the financial, transparency and efficiency gains from our sustainability initiatives,” said Adil.

In 2017, the company reduced its diesel use by 35% by installing solar panels, deploying voltage regulators on generators, and building a power substation to reduce diesel use triggered by grid power outages. The introduction of energy saving bulbs saved a further sh.2m in electricity costs.

The company also undertook an internal audit of suppliers to achieve improvements in the value delivered and introduced tougher measures to eliminate and prevent conflicts of interest and inappropriate pricing. The overhaul led to substantial savings.

