I did not impregnate girls, Kilifi Women rep Getrude Mbeyu

Kilifi Woman representative Getrude Mbeyu.

Kilifi,KENYA:Kilifi Women Representative Getrude Mbeyu has been put on the spotlight over her response to the teenage pregnancies problem in Kilifi County.

This was after her county recorded an increase in the number of teenage pregnancies in 2018.

According to the county children’s affairs coordinator George Migosi, Kilifi recorded 13,624 pregnancies among teenagers aged 15-19 years.

The numbers have elicited debate in the county as departments point accusing fingers at each other.

A section of residents on Kilifi Mums Facebook page have called on Mbeyu to resign arguing that her office had failed in curbing the menace and instead the numbers have increased since she took  office.

However, Mbeyu who has distanced herself from the blame argues that she is not to blame for parents who fail to instill morals on their children.

In a response to one of the group members Ms Kibibi Ali, Mbeyu said she would not resign as members were demanding.

“Mimi ndio natia mimba?? Parents have to take care of their children not Mbeyu …Jipeni shughuli …aliyenipigia kura ni nani kwa hii group hata aseme niresign”

(Am I responsible for the pregnancies?? Parents have to take care of their children not Mbeyu..get yourselves busy. The group members who voted for me in that group who are they to demand my resignation” Ms Mbeyu posed.

Speaking to Baraka FM Mbeyu affirmed that, that was her stand in regards to teenage pregnancies.

“Am telling Kilifi the truth, I did not impregnate girls,  I have done what I can do to fight the menace but the parents have relaxed , they are not taking care of their children now they hate it when I speak the truth” Mbeyu told Baraka FM.

According to the Kenya Demographic Health Survey (KDHS), in Kilifi, one out of four teenage girls is pregnant, a statistic that has been blamed on disco matanga’s, late night parties and parents choosing to solve defilement incidents amicably without involving the authorities.

However, a move to ban late night parties and Disco Matangas which is a ceremony where neighbors hold a late-night vigil to comfort a mourning family has been met by resistance by stakeholders in the  entertainment industry.

Earlier in the week Bango music performers distanced themselves from the blame insisting that  parents are to be blamed for underage girls attending their night performances .


