Taita Taveta MCA seeks to scrap off Coast Water board

Nominated MCA Christopher Mwambingu who wants the Coast Water Board scrapped off PHOTO COURTESY

 Mombasa, KENYA: Taita Taveta Nominated MCA, Christopher Mwambingu wants the eight Regional water bodies scrapped off in order to let the county governments handle water supply in the region.

Speaking on Thursday in Mombasa,Mwabingu said he will move to court to seek an order to have  the Coast Water services Board scrapped arguing that the board takes all the water to Mombasa leaving Taita Taveta with no water and later bring bills they cannot account for.

“I am going to court to seek the Coast Water bodies to be scrapped off and leave the governance to the respective county government to see whether the common citizen will get water,” He said.

Christopher also stated that should the court grant their request, they will come to an agreement between the counties that depend on the Mzima spring and the National government on how to share the revenue that will be gotten from the project.

“We can come up with a memorandum of cooperation with the counties and national government on how people of Taita Taveta can get a share of revenue generated from the Mzima spring” He said.

Water at the springs has been reducing over the past few years.

A case is still pending in court where the board cut off water in Voi and other areas of Mwatate due to a bill of 411 million which they cannot account for.

