Lamu governor forced to reinstate two CECs he fired

Lamu Governor Fahim Twaha at his Mokowe office.PHOTO: NATASHA NEMA.

Lamu, KENYA: Following a successful court petition, two Lamu County CEC’s who had been fired by governor Fahim Twaha have now been reinstated.

The two, Raphael Munyua, the CEC for Health and Florence Wairimu, the CEC for Agriculture and Water Development were reinstated by the governor himself after the Mombasa Employment and Labour Relations Court directed they be reinstated with immediate effect having found no compelling reasons for their dismissal six months ago.

The two were fired in April this year and immediately replaced.

The court felt that the governor dismissed the two without any known reasons.

The announcement was made at the Lamu County Assembly on Thursday afternoon where the speaker Abdu Kassim read out a communication indicating that the governor had reinstated the two CECs.

“Raphael Munyua has been reinstated as CEC for Health Services and Environment while Florence Ndung’u as CEC for Agriculture and Water Development as per the court judgment delivered in Mombasa on September 20, 2018,” read part of the statement.

When contacted, Munyua thanked the governor for respecting the court order and assured the people of Lamu of better service.

“I am glad the governor obeyed the court order.I will work hard for the people of Lamu,” he said.

Meanwhile, the county assembly of Lamu has commenced the vetting exercise for the three candidates for the positions of Chief Officer.

They are Julius Okindo-Chief Officer for Public Service Management and Administration, Charles Mathenge-Chief Officer for Livestock and Cooperative Development and Simon Komu-Chief Officer for Fisheries.

