14 fishermen rescued after their boats capsize in Lamu

The Dhows during thr rescue operation PHOTO COURTESY

Lamu, KENYA: The Kenya Navy officers stationed at the Masura Camp in Kiunga on the Lamu-Somalia border on Friday rescued 14 fishermen whose dhows had capsized at the Mlango wa Bomani channel on the Indian Ocean.

The fishermen were on four separate dhows fishing in the same area before their vessels were overpowered by rough tides and capsized throwing all fourteen of them in the dangerous ocean.

They were however lucky as the Navy officers whose unit is also part of the Linda Boni security operation were on patrol and managed to spot them and rescued them in the nick of time.

Their Dhows were also rescued.

Two of the fishermen were however seriously injured from being in the water for too long.

Linda Boni Operation Director confirmed the incident saying the two injured had been rushed to the hospital.

No casualties were reported due to the prompt response of the Navy officers seconds after the accident occurred.

“The accident happened at around 11 am. We are however glad for the timely response of the Kenya Navy officers from the Masura camp.Its because of them that all the 14 are alive and their dhows are also safe. The two with minor injuries are being treated already,”said Kanyiri.

Kanyiri has however cautioned sailors to stay away from dangerous channels in the Indian Ocean so as to keep safe.

The met has also announced that the region will experience heavy rains which Kanyiri says is even more reason why fishermen and all seafarers need to stay away from certain channels in the Indian Ocean due to the nature of tides experienced.

Mlango wa Bomani is an entrance to a channel connecting Kiunga harbor to the rest of the Indian Ocean and is listed among the killer channels in the Lamu waters with having perished there.

Other dangerous channels are Mlango wa Tanu in Mkokoni, Mlango wa Ali in Kiwayu, all in Lamu East, the Manda Bruno channel, the Mkanda Channel, Mlango wa Kipungani and Mlango wa Shella in Lamu West.

This comes just a month after three fishermen went missing in the Indian Ocean at Kiwayu after their dhow capsized on August 16.

None of the bodies has ever been recovered.

On June 1, two fishermen perished after their boat capsized at Manda-Maweni area around Lamu town.

Lamu’s worst marine accident was in August 13, 2017

The county’s worst incident took place on August 13, 2017 when ODM politician Shekue Kahala lost 12 family members – including his four young children, wife, sister, nieces and nephews – after their boat capsized at Manda Bruno area.

He was the only survivor in the accident.

