Lamu county turns to sniffer dogs to fight narcotics

Police together with a sniffer dog outside a suspect's house in Likoni at a past crackdown .Police in Lamu have deployed sniffer dogs in villages notorious in narcotic peddling PHOTO: WELDON KEMBOI.

Lamu, KENYA: The Lamu County administration has now acquired sniffer dogs specifically to help fight the drug menace in the region.

Speaking in Lamu on Monday, Lamu county commissioner Joseph Kanyiri said the sniffer dogs will be used to nab drugs being brought into the county through the various notorious hotspots.

Recently, the county administration in coordination with the county government formed a special committee mandated with combating drug-related crime in the region.

Kanyiri said his office was keen to eradicate drug use in the region.

Notorious villages known for the drug business include Pate, Tchundwa, Mbwajumwali, Muyabogi and Kizingitini all in Pate Island in Lamu East.

He warned administrators in the region against colluding with drug peddlers and barons.

“We shall have at least two sniffer dogs in each of the notorious villages. We are making all efforts to ensure drugs stay out of Lamu.We are going to make it miserable for anyone to engage in that kind of business,”said Kanyiri.

Locals say drug users have now become a major security concern. Several people have lost their lives at the hands of drug gangs.

“People have died including a chief who had tried being tough on drug peddlers here. Many others are amputated and maimed for life. Others are missing several parts of their bodies from ears, hands and so on all because of drug gangs,”said Kassim Shauri of Kizingitini.

Locals say this gangs now rule various villages and are even feared by villages and local administrators.

