Obado sends condolence to Sharon Otieno’s family

Governor Okoth Obado and his family during the press briefing on Wednesday./PHOTO TWITTER

Migori County Governor, Zachary Okoth Obado has sent condolence to the family of Sharon Otieno.

Speaking to media, in his first press briefing since the abduction and murder of Sharon, Governor Obado sent his condolences to the family of the second year student saying that he was not involved in the murder.

The governor, who was accompanied by his wife and children, also asked Kenyans to let investigative bodies do their job.

“I am ready and willing whenever I will be called upon to give further statements,” said the governor.

“I want to urge all the agencies that are mandated with investigations to speed up their work so that the real killers can be brought to book,” he added.

Obado was questioned by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations in Kisumu on Tuesday over the murder, while his personal assistant, Michael Oyamo, was denied bail on Wednesday and will be detained for 14 days.

