28 nurses in Kwale county trained on cryotherapy to stunt cervical cancer cells


Kwale, KENYA: Base Titanium (“Base”) has continued its investment in Kwale’s health services by procuring and donating a Cryotherapy machine to be used in the treatment of cervical cancer.

Following the donation, Base Titanium together with Kwale’s health department and the Ministry of Health have commenced a five day training program for 28 nurses picked from all sub-counties in Kwale.

The Cryotherapy machine will be officially handed over to ensure it is part of the training program.

Base’s Manager for Community and Livelihoods, Pius Kassim said “The donation of the cryotherapy machine and support for the training of nurses is the latest example of Base partnering with the government of Kwale County to improve health services and outcomes for residents.”

The Cryotherapy machine that costs over half a million Kenya shillings is used to perform cryosurgery which is a procedure that uses freezing gas (liquid nitrogen) to destroy precancerous cells on the cervix.

When these unhealthy cells are destroyed, the body can replace them with new, healthy cells.

County Nursing Officer, Edward Mumbo said “We are grateful to Base for acquiring the Cryotherapy machine, this will help the residents of Kwale diagnosed with cervical cancer to access treatment and fight the disease, leading to better health outcomes.”

