Mombasa tuk-tuk operators hike fares over 16 % fuel levy

Tuk Tuk operators in Mombasa.The county has slashed by half the Tuk Tuk parking fees /Kelvin Jillani

Mombasa, KENYA: You will now pay sh.100 instead of sh.50 for short distances if you are using a tuk-tuk as your means of transport in Mombasa.

Mombasa tuk-tuk operators took to the streets on Thursday midmorning to protest high diesel charges due to the 16% fuel levy that was implemented on the first of September.

Obedi Muruli, Tuk-tuk Owners and Drivers Association (TODA) chairman said the increase in fares will take effect immediately.

“We have not been making any profits, our drivers are suffering because these high charges. We want the president to assent the bill to postpone the implementation of the levy or better yet have parliament scrap the levy totally,” Obedi said.

The operators want commuters to comply with the new.

“We will not reduce the fares, so those who want to use our services can do it and those who feel like they are too high can look for other means,” said Wesoma Isaac, one of the drivers during the demonstrations.

Matatu owners in the county also increased fares with the least payable right now being sh.30 that is from stage to stage while the highest will be sh. 80, from Miritini to Mwembe Tayari.

However, some matatu operators say that not even the leaflet given by the county to show the increase, is helping.

“You show the passenger the new charges on the leaflet but they still pay you the previous fare, so what can you do? that is why, we will also be taking to the streets on Monday,” said one of the Matatu touts.

