Bebe Cool accuses Bobi Wine of faking injuries after fans booed him

Ugandan artiste Bebe Cool and his rival Kyandondo East legislator Bobi Wine PHOTO COURTESY

Bebe Cool has accused Bobi Wine of faking injuries after he was booed by fans at the Swagz All-Star concert.

Bebe Cool who was forced to cut short his performance after fans distracted him on stage chanting free Bobi Wine slogan said in an interview with NTV that he will not be intimidated for his undying support of president Museveni.

“It is important for the fans to understand that if they want to send a political message they have a day to pass the message. The ballot box is not on stage. I will not be intimidated and this is why I support the president Yoweri Museveni” stated Bebe Cool.

The long-time rival of Bobi Wine went ahead to accuse Bobi Wine of faking injuries.

“The media, NTV, you have cameras, watching Bobi Wine getting onto the car after court, he held the car like this (he illustrated while raising his right hand with one arm and raised the other arm with the crutches. ) What was down here? Was he in the air or standing on his feet?” questioned Bebe Cool

 “Media, you look at a man wearing the heaviest shoe in life, one that even people who are not sick cannot move freely with it because it is too heavy and media still don’t analyze that,” said Bebe Cool on the interview.

It is the second time that Bebe Cool has been booed on stage by fans as Bobi Wine receives specialized treatment at the USA

