Kilifi residents move to block approval of limestone mine

Squatters in Kilifi County when they invaded a farm in 2015. PHOTO COURTESY

Kilifi, KENYA:Residents of Pangani, Chauringo, Marereni, Mazeras, and Chonyi in Kilifi County have warned the government over issuing approval to mine Limestone in the area to a corporate firm Athi River Mining (ARM).

In a letter to the cabinet secretary Ministry of petroleum and Mining Hon John Munyes, the residents have said they were not privy to the document that the ministry had invited the public to raise objections.

“The firm plans to voraciously raid a section of over 249,310 square Kilometres to extract natural repository from the earth.” Reads part of the letter.

This comes after a notice issued on Kenya Gazette Notice no. 3060 on Saturday, July 18th, 2018 signed by CS John Munyes putting on target the communities in the area.

“The communities will come out to resist any attempts of evicting and displacing them against the conspiracy whose architects are political elites that want to sensitize the systematic looting syndicate of the Mijikenda community land.” The letter explained.

The residents now want the president, cabinet secretary for environment, the interior ministry Cabinet secretary, Kilifi Governor and area member of parliament to expeditiously intervene in the Plight of the community.

