Why governors risk being kicked out of office

COG chair Kwale governor Salim Mvurya, The Council of Governors office risks eviction after some governors o failed to remit money for rent payment PHOTO COURTESY

 Nairobi, KENYA: Council of governors’ offices at Delta towers Westlands in Nairobi hangs in the balance of being evicted, after failing to remit their stipulated rent of sh 19.37 million.

This is according to the Auditor General report of June 2018 that shows that some counties failed to remit their dues to the COG for rent payment.

“In the circumstances, the secretariat being the tenants faces eviction and possibility of litigation.”Noted Auko in his report.

The report shows that in 2016, it was agreed that each county was to contribute Kshs 12.5 million and 2 million towards inter-government and devolution conferences respectively.

In 2014 the governors entered into a lease agreement with Garden Properties for offices space at Delta towers.

It is in that agreement that all the 47 county governments were to take up and pay for some space to establish their liaison offices.

Auko report also indicated that failure to collect the budget receipt from the county governments, the action has adversely affected the continued operation of the council and financial sustainability of the secretariat.

