Ugandan court rejects releasing Bobi Wine

Ugandan Musician cum Kyandondo East legislator Robert Kyagulanyi who was the fouth most googled topic in August PHOTO COURTESY

A court in the Nothern town of Gulu in Uganda has rejected a bond application by Ugandan musician cum Kyandondo East legislator Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu alias Bobi Wine .

The court remanded Bobi Wine till the 30th August when he is set to face charges together with those he was arrested with in Arua Municipality .

This came after the  Ugandan  General court-martial withdrew charges against him.

Bobi who appeared weak outside the military court in Nothern town of Gulu was rearrested together with his wife Barbie Kyagulanyi and charged treason at a civil court.

Bobi was arrested in Arua in Northern Uganda on 13th August after a hotly contested campaign for the Arua municipality by-election that saw a car in  Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni’s convoy pelted with stones.

This has come a time when the Ugandan government is under mounting local and international pressure to have Bobi Wine released.

On Thursday Activists held demonstrations in Nairobi demand the release of Bobi Wine  while several members of parliaments in Kenya stood in solidarity with Bobi Wine.

“An injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere. Our colleague Hon Kyagulanyi should be subjected to the proper rule of the law because we believe Uganda is not a banana republic. President Museveni must respect the rule of law,” said Mr. Babu Owino the secretary general of Kenya Young Parliamentarians Association (KYPA) told journalists on Thursday.

