8,000 Mombasa residents addicted to Heroin

Reach out Trust Director Taib Abdulrahman. photo:file

Mombasa,KENYA: Eight thousand people in Mombasa are addicted to Heroin.

This is according to the Executive Director of Reach out Trust Taib Abdulrahman.

Speaking in Mombasa during a drug abuse workshop, Taib said the problem has been compounded by easy access to drugs in the region.

“Coast region has porous borders that see drugs come in easily especially Heroine’, he said.

Taib called on the government to intensify the crackdown on drug barons whom continue to cause untold suffering to drug addicts.

Reach out Trust which is engaged in tackling harmful effects of drug abuse in Mombasa has also called on the government to decentralize methadone clinics.

Taib said Mombasa County currently has only one methadone clinic based in Kisauni hence locks out many addicts that want to seek help.

He urged the government to establish more methadone clinics in Changamwe and Likoni for easy access.

“Access to the clinic is a challenge to people from far. A man from Kwale had to travel everyday to Kisauni  just to get treatment before heading back. Indeed It was a tiresome journey’, Said Taib.

Many drug addicts have relapsed or have given up on treatment due to expenses involved and the distance to the clinic, said Taib.


