Safaricom employee and JKUAT student arrested over SIM card fraud

Safaricom headquarters

Nairobi,KENYA:Days after a new study by telecommunications firm Myriad Connect reported that Kenyans are under increasing threat of financial fraud through their mobile phones, two suspects have been arrested.

The office of the Director of criminal investigations have reported that Maurice Musoti an employee of telecommunication giant Safaricom and Rian Obaga Nyagaka, a fourth year engineering student at The Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), have been arrested in connection with SIM card fraud.

“One Laptop make apple, 2,160 Unused Safaricom sim cards, 44 Used Safaricom SIM cards, Five Till Agent numbers, three Mpesa Safaricom books, Internet Booster Rauter and two mobile phones, Were also recovered from the suspects.” The office of the DCI said.

The report by Myriad Connect also found that seven out of ten Kenyans are reported to have fallen victim whereas SIM swap fraud is reported as one of the most prolific forms of fraud in Kenya, with over 90 per cent of Kenyan lenders citing it as a security threat to users.

