Mombasa court sentences Tanzanian man to 20yrs in prison

Haruna Bakari Juya( In a yellow shirt) listening to Mombasa senior principal magistrate Francis Kyambia who slapped him with a 20 year jail sentence over drug trafficking PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa,KENYA: A Mombasa court on Tuesday sentenced a Tanzanian national to 20 years in prison and a fine of Sh.8,925,000 for trafficking narcotic drugs.

Haruna Bakari Juya was found guilty of trafficking  2.975 kg of heroin valued at  sh.8,925,000.

The Tanzanian man was arrested on 18th, February 2015 at Lungalunga customs baggage Hall, in Msambweni Sub-County, Kwale.

Mombasa Senior Principal Magistrate Francis Kyiambia said that the prosecution proved its case beyond reasonable doubt.

“I have considered the drug menace in the Coast region and its effects on the youths and if the heroin would have reached the market it would have affected many youths,” ruled Kyiambia.

In his mitigation, Juya requested the court to consider the period of 3 years he spent in remand during the trial.

” The Court has considered the mitigation of the accused person and the prosecution has also said that the accused person should be treated as a first time offender,” said Kyiambia.

Juya will serve the 20-year jail term and also pay the Sh.8,925,000  fine.

“He will serve sentence and pay a fine, failure to pay fine he will serve another four years; the sentence will run concurrently,” said Kyiambia.

