Marereni secondary closed after student’s stone head teacher

Marereni secondary school in Kilifi county which was closed down following students unrest PHOTO COURTESY

Kilifi,KENYA:Marereni secondary School in Kilifi county was on Saturday closed down for a second time just days after the school was reopened.

This was following an incident where the students stoned the school headteacher   as he tried to talk to the student over an escalating tensions between the school administration and the students.

According to the Area chief Francis Ngala who spoke to Baraka FM , the students alleged to have been dissatisfied with the way affairs were being run  in the school and attempts by the head teacher to talk to the students failed after they threw rocks at him forcing the management to close down the school and  send the students home.

The chief also explained that a section of the students destroyed school property with some of them looting the property.

The students had just returned to the school after the school was closed down on 13th June.

The initial closure is said to have been ignited by dissatisfaction of some students in the school who felt underrepresented in the school’s cultural day.

The school administration later attempted to suspend some of the students who had been causing the trouble however all the students came to the defense of their colleagues insisting that the school administration should send all off them home not just a few.

The school located in Magarini Sub county of Kilifi county has been hailed as a success story in terms of  managing student population.

Earlier in the month, deputy president William Ruto congratulated the school for admitting 520 form one students in the year 2018.

