Kwale Women Rep Zuleikha Juma tells off ODM leaders pledging support for Ruto

Kwale Women Rep. Zuleikha Juma. PHOTO: FILE

Kwale, KENYA: Kwale county women representative Zuleikha Juma has told politicians who were elected on different parties to respect their party leaders and people who elected them.

Juma said that Raila did not join jubilee as claimed but in dialogue with Uhuru for the benefit of Kenyans.

Speaking on Saturday at the homecoming party of Kwale deputy speaker Andrew Mulei in Kubo South ward Matuga, the legislator said that opposition leader Raila Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta handshake has brought peace in the country but some politicians have failed to understand it.

She supported parties out to punish members who are going against party rules by supporting other political leaders saying it is justified.

This is after ODM started a process of punishing Malindi MP Aisha Jumwa for supporting Ruto presidency.

She asked leaders to serve citizens instead of politics.

The MP said that roads, water and jobs for youths cannot be achieved if leaders engage in politics every time they are elected instead of giving services.

She made the remarks before Kinango MP Benjamin Tayari and Msambweni MP Suleiman Dori who are in support of William Ruto 2022 presidency despite having elected on ODM ticket.

Tiaty MP and close ally of Gideon Moi Kassait Kamket asked coast people to support Raila Odinga handshake with Uhuru Kenyatta.

“I have your greetings from Gideon but he will come here sometimes to come. You have to support this handshake from Raila side it has something good for you people,” he said.

He said there is no need for the coast people to “tangatanga” and be in the opposition as usual but instead support Raila Odinga course.

Mp Benjamin Tayari and Msambweni Mp Suleiman Dori said they are still in ODM despite supporting Raila Odinga handshake from the Ruto side.

Dori said that although he is in ODM no one will decide for him who is supposed to be his friend, he has openly supported Ruto presidency.

However, his call to urge locals in Kubos south to join the Ruto bandwagon hit a snag after the are MCA Andrew Mulei told them off saying they have nothing to celebrate in terms of development for them to join the government.

“Kinango, LungaLunga, Msambweni and Matuga has tarmac road and passable roads among other development what do we have for us to join the government? We better remain in opposition. We won’t’ join and we can’t join the government, ‘he said with finality.

