KFCB refutes claims of killing film industry in the country

Dr. Ezekiel Mutua .

Nairobi, KENYA: Kenya Film and Classification Board (KFCB) has downplayed claims that it is killing the film industry in the country.

Speaking during the launch of the report on the survey to establish stakeholders’ opinion towards KFCB’S mandate on Tuesday, KFCB Chief executive officer Ezekiel Mutua refuted the claims citing, that in this year financial year the board has approved over 400 films in Kenya and out of the movies, they have only banned one.

Mutua noted that they do follow the law when they have to ban any kind of film produced in Kenya that’s why they are never challenged in court.

“This financial year 2017-2018 we have licensed over 400 and out of the 400 films, we have banned only one and you know why and which one if we take this year statistics to be 500 films and we have only banned one, serious is that killing the industry?” Mutua asked.

KFCB banned ‘Rafiki’ the first Kenyans feature film that debuted at the famous Cannes Festival in France over its theme that is said to be promoting homosexuality and lesbianism.

The ban came days after Mutua Applauded the movie produced by Awali Entertainment Ltd and directed by Wanuri Kahiu.

Wanuri an award-winning filmmaker has since expressed her dismay saying Kenyans are mature and discerning enough to watch local content but their rights have been denied.

Her movie has won accolades from top Hollywood actors such Lupita Nyong’o and Kerry Washinton.

