President Kenyatta says he does not back changes to Constitution

President Uhuru Kenyatta PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi(PSCU) – President Uhuru Kenyatta today said he does not back the ongoing push to change the Constitution, emphasizing that his focus is to drive the Big Four agenda to improve the lives of Kenyans.

The President emphasised he does not have time to run around the country asking people to support changing the Constitution instead of working to deliver on the promises he made to Kenyans.

“I have no time to run around telling people to change the Constitution. It won’t solve the problems we have. But engaging with the private sector on manufacturing like we are doing (I) will,” President Kenyatta said.

President Kenyatta was speaking at State House, Nairobi, during a follow-up meeting to last week’s 8th Presidential Round Table Forum that brought together stakeholders from government and the Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA).

On corruption, the Head of State said the vice will be fought ruthlessly but also warned that those who malign others on social media will not be spared.

“We are going to deal ruthlessly with corruption both real and perceived,” President Kenyatta said.

The President urged stakeholders in manufacturing to join hands in growing the sector from 8 to 15 per cent within four years.

He expressed the need for increased consultation between the government and the private sector in order realise the goal of rejuvenating the manufacturing sector which forms part of his Big for agenda for creating more quality jobs for Kenyans.

“The whole purpose of this meeting is not blame games. The aim is to see how together as a nation and as Government – the executive, the legislature and the judiciary – we can join hands constructively with the private sector to enhance manufacturing and create jobs,” President Kenyatta said.

He emphasized that the main job of the Government is to cultivate an enabling environment so that private sector can create jobs.

“That is why I wanted MPs to listen, and to hear what the concerns of the private sector are. I also want MPs to raise issues of what they feel needs to be done,” President Kenyatta told the meeting that was also attended by Members of Parliament, captains of industry and government officials.

The President said his key focus is to create linkages between big industries and the small industries so as to accelerate the growth of the manufacturing sector.

He called for a concerted effort to make the manufacturing sector competitive, saying Kenya is not an island and has to compete both regionally and at the global arena.


