Senate rules out sanctioning mass transfer of non-local teachers from N.Eastern


Nairobi, KENYA: Senators have ruled out the possibility of sanctioning mass transfers of non-local teachers from the N.Eastern region, due to frequent attack from the al Shabab Militia.

In a joint meeting between senates committee on Security and Education chaired by Yussuf Hajji and Dr.Christopher Langat, the senators led by Moses Wetangula noted that delocalization of teachers will kill the spirit of nationalism in the country.

The senators also recommended that there is need to introduce boarding school systems in the terror-prone regions to ease the movement of students and teachers to and from the schools, hence assuring them of their security and fewer interruptions of the learning activities.

The chair of the Education Committee Dr.Langat announced that the committee will summon the Teachers Service Commission, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Interior, Teachers unions and community elders to determine the actual problems and address them permanently.

Five local teachers petitioned the Senate concerning their plight in the N.Eastern region, wanting the Teachers Service Commission to be compelled to only post Muslim teachers to these areas.

There have been mixed reactions concerning the mass transfer of teachers from North Eastern Kenya whereby the then KNUT Secretary General Wilson Sossion said effective management of insecurity in Northeastern holds the key to the unending cycle of mass teacher transfers from the region.

