Police detain driver who killed traffic officer in Voi


Mombasa,KENYA:Police in Voi, Taita Taveta county are detaining a bus driver who hit and killed and traffic officer on Thursday.

According to the Voi OCPD Joshua Chesire, the police have also detained the bus as investigations into the incident continue.

Chesire said that the deceased had been standing beside the road in Ndara area of Taita Taveta county when the over speeding bus knocked him off killing him on the spot.

“ The driver will be charged with causing death by dangerous driving “ Chesire said.

The body of the deceased was taken to the Moi county referral hospital in Voi Town.

However Chesire has described the incident as one of a kind.

Several accidents attributed to overspeeding have occured along the road over the past few months.
In January 3 people died on the spot after an overspeeding car  collided with an oncoming truck.

