Muslim leaders oppose propagation of FGM in Kenya


Nairobi, KENYA: Muslim leaders have vehemently opposed the propagation of Female Genital Mutilation a prohibited act which is being practiced in the country.

In a media briefing in Nairobi, the leaders led by deputy chief Kadhi Rashid Omar condemned the practice and urged people especially communities which practice it to abandon it forthwith terming the practice as detrimental to the health of women.

“Female Genital mutilation has no basis in Islam, Whatever is being carried out, by Muslims or non muslims, especially the pastoralists, is purely depending on the culture which has been for generation within the community, that is our position,” Rashid said.

He further indicated that Muslim does not permit people to practice it as it goes against its beliefs and lowers the dignity of the girl child pointing that the practice has been inclined towards pastoral communities.

The leaders said that they are in full support of government’s anti-FGM policy which he termed as cardinal in increasing the number of the girl child who attend school across the country.

Cap 62 B an act of parliament which was assented in 30th September 2011 prohibited the practice of female genital mutilation, to safeguard against violation of a person’s mental or physical integrity through the practice of female genital mutilation and for connected purposes.

They backed government policy of propagating male circumcision pointing that it does not go against the law and it is in line with health matters.

The United Nations estimates more than 200 million girls and women around the world suffer the consequences of cutting procedure.

The U.N. predicts that if current trends continue, 15 million additional girls ages 15 to 19 will be subjected to the mutilation by 2030.

In Kenya, 21% of women admit that they have undergone the painful procedure, according to Plan International, a humanitarian organization

