Sossion threatens to name people behind his ouster from KNUT

Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) Secretary General Wilson Sossion. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Nairobi, KENYA: Embattled KNUT sec General Wilson Sossion has vowed to name people whom he accuses of masterminding his ouster from his position as secretary general of Kenya National Union of Teachers, national chapter.

In a media briefing in Nairobi on Thursday, Sossion said that section officials and members of the teachers union are being used to by external forces exerting pressure in order to weaken the union.

“Let me assure teachers there was no legitimate suspension the activities that are going on ,are individuals who have allowed ,outsiders to come and run business of KNUT ,we know where these activities are going on ,and if they don’t stop what they are doing ,if they don’t stop ,take this warning if this issues continue then I will have no options, but to name them,” Sossion said.

Sossion has downplayed pressure mounted on him by the National Executive council of the union by suspending him.

He indicated that court has issued conservatory orders urging any aggrieved members to overturn such orders through legal means.

After the resolution of KNUT meeting which saw Hesborn Otieno as acting sec general of KNUT, he(Otieno) asserted that he is the spokesman of the union.

This comes after the union’s National Executive Council passed a resolution to suspend Sossion for being dishonest and failing to execute some cardinal decisions passed by NEC.

Sossion insisted that he is obliged to hold onto two positions as KNUT sec general and as parliamentarian indicating that he is bound by the constitution to serve in both capacities.

He also urged the aggrieved parties that there has a leeway of voting him out in the upcoming annual delegate’s conference.

Despite his ouster, COTU sec general Francis Atwoli is reportedly defending Sossion urging KNUT members to find an amicable truce on the matter.

